Practice governed by kindness and compassion
Over 25 years of experience
Fluent in 3 languages
After many years of practice I became deeply disillusioned with the adversarial process which I view as ineffective, expensive and failing to respond to the idiosyncrasy of family conflict.
My passion for peacemaking has taken me to teach and present on collaborative law in Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Panama and I will continue to promote this model of dispute resolution as more effective and less costly but most importantly best suited for family disputes.
In order to assist families with their conflict resolution, I have become certified in:
I also became certified as a Listening Professional (International Listening Association) which enables me to truly understand the clients’ need to be heard. I am currently vice-president elect of this organization.
I consider it my mission to educate parents on the destructive impact of conflict on the health of their children and to empower them to make the decisions based on their family unique experience and profound love for their children.
Remember: do not litigate but rather agree to collaborate!
Located in Both Calgary and Edmonton
Calgary Office:
Fish Creek Executive Centre
#300, 340 Midpark Way SE
Calgary, AB T2X 1P1
Edmonton Office:
#201, 9426 51 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5A6
Dr. Anita's Law and Mediation
#201, 9426 51 Avenue NW
T6E 5A6
(780) 424-4242